“Artfully drawn… combines literary style with heartbreaking plot twists and still manages to be uplifting

“Eunice grows up fighting for love from the people who should love her unconditionally but is bolstered by love from unexpected sources… Eunice is a lonely, artistic girl who grows into a temperamental young woman whose strength and capacity for love belie her tough upbringing. This is poet Kushner’s first novel, and her roots show; passages describing even the bleakest Midwestern landscapes are artfully drawn. A coming-of-age story that wonderfully combines literary style with heartbreaking plot twists and still manages to be uplifting…”


Dale M. Kushner

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“Bracing, oddly uplifting… a fine exploration of growing up, weathering heartbreak and picking oneself up over and over”


“A moving, at times jolting, saga… expertly sketched, vivid and memorable”