Cleansing and Renewal: Rituals for Welcoming the New Year
Sharing the archetypal human desire to be released from mistakes and difficulties of the past and to begin anew. What do you need to change?
How to Unhook from Obsessive Emotions in Four Steps
When our home was burglarized, I initially felt fear, violation, and anger. But then came disappointment, helplessness, and a damaged sense of safety. I needed to find a way out.
Family Deeds: How Constellation Therapy Treats Transgenerational Trauma
Can traumatic events from the past be unconsciously carried down generations? Therapist Nikki Mackay explains how family constellation therapy can resolve transgenerational trauma.
Recovering from Trauma: Finding the Words That Heal
What therapists and writers have to say on the power of listening and writing to help us heal from trauma. “All sorrows can be borne if you can put them into a story.”—Isak Dinesen
Finding Your Hidden Self: How to Start Contemplative Writing
Contemplative writing combines meditation and writing. Mentor Miriam Hall has been teaching this practice for 15 years and explains how it can help us find wisdom in our confusion.
Women and Silence: Is Your Voice Being Heard?
Writers and researchers testify to the struggles young girls and women have had finding their voices. Is your voice being heard?
The Imposter Syndrome and Your Hidden Self
While some elements of our culture may condition us to believe we are frauds, others make a strong case that we are so much more.
The Things We Carry: What Objects Have Meaning for You?
What do the things we surround ourselves with reveal about us? Your curated collection of objects probably contains more meaning than you realize.
Trauma: Who is Telling Your Story?
Do you have an unreliable narrator inside you? Brain research indicates that trauma can affect how you interpret day-to-day experiences.
“Let It Go!” More than a song title, the motto for our age
Why many therapists and brain researchers are finding that “letting go” is vital to our emotional well-being.
Catastrophes, Real or Imagined? How to help our minds tell the difference
How to help our minds prepare for catastrophes, but not get overwhelmed by catastrophic thinking.
When Expectations Fail: Remaining Able to Bend
Expectations can be smashed in two ways: Something happens that is unanticipated, or something we had counted on fails. How do we cope with feeling bereft and vulnerable?
Kidnapped by Depression
Can ancient myths and recent findings from neuroscience help us find a different perspective about depression?
Facing the Tiger: Welcoming Anxiety’s Fierce Wisdom
What if, instead of trying to shun or control our anxiety, we befriended it?
Waiting: a Source of Anxiety or Opportunity for Discovery?
How does waiting make you feel? Stuck? Bored? Angry? Learn how you can change that.
Given Away: The Plight of the Wounded Feminine
What fathers sacrificing daughters in fairy tales tells us about the value of women in our culture
Trauma’s Lingering Effects and the Creative Self
Today we understand that trauma can be “inherited,” passed down through the generations. Speaking what's unspoken can move us out of victimhood.
Daughters Discovering Mothers: the Yearning for Identity
Four poets help us explore the complex dynamic between mothers and daughters. "The material here is for the deepest intimacy and the most powerful estrangement.” –Adrienne Rich
Our Mothers, Ourselves: the Search for the Whole Story
"The primary relationship between women is the relationship of mother and daughter."—Kathie Carlson. Understanding that bond through 3 perspectives: personal, feminist, archetypal.
Fathers: Heroes, Villains, and Our Need for Archetypes
"Behind the personal father whom we know and to whom we relate, lies an innate psychological structure which influences the way we experience him.”—Andrew Samuels