On Writing, Climbing, and Resilience
A number of years ago, I did something I thought I’d never do: I scaled a forty-foot inflatable climbing tower, jumped into a net, and was belayed down to earth. How did this happen? I was with my daughters, one of whom was on the Outward Bound team that had set up the towers on a cross-country bike tour to raise awareness for girls Outward Bound expeditions.
Meet Tara Ochs, the “voice” of The Conditions of Love
As a writer I’m preoccupied by “voice” — the diction, syntax, and emotional registers of my characters.
Dinner with friends
Writers are often asked where they get their ideas, and that’s a good damn question.
Men respond to The Conditions of Love
People sometimes ask me who I write for. Do I have an ideal reader in mind while I’m writing? The question always surprises me.
Chaos in the Beginning
Sitting down to write today, I have a thought: art begins in chaos.
Amazon, Hachette, Censorship, the Future of Books, and Me
My parents gave me my first experience of censorship.
On Enchantment and My Writing
Enchantment. I hope the word sends a thrill up your spine! When was the last time your conversation turned to enchantment? Who talks about enchantment these days? That may be one of the reasons it interests me.
The Five Best Questions To Ask a Writer
Since May and the publication of the paperback edition of The Conditions of Love, I’ve been on the road visiting bookstores and talking to readers.
Five motivational techniques that worked for me — my interview on the Writer's Relief blog
When I was first starting out as a poet, I discovered Writer's Relief.
The Conditions of Love can now be read in paperback!
Today is the official publication date of the paperback edition of The Conditions of Love.
The Civilizing Effect / Finding Refuge
The Vermont College of Fine Arts Alumni Magazine asked me to contribute an article about “Life after the MFA” for its Winter 2014 issue.
Exchanging devotion
The subject line of an email caught my attention last month: Devotional Exchange.
Remedies for the Evil Eye
Around Valentine’s Day this year, I received several emails of the chain letter variety asking me to forward a cheery aphorism to five friends in exchange for the beneficence of good luck.
On the Question of Otherness
Of late I’ve been thinking about how the past influences us, sometimes even haunts us.
The Conditions of Love - THE MOVIE!
Marshal Zeringue recently asked me to "dreamcast" my thoughts about a movie version of The Conditions of Love.
On Writing Blogs
Dear Esteemed Friends and Curious Visitors:
Sorry to be so long away! My apologies if you’ve visited this site and found nothing new.
My Social Media Dilemma
Right from the start of my writing life I fell into the habit of writing everything out in long-hand on a yellow legal pad using a black Pilot pen.